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Democrat Party Becomes the Proverbial Cornered Animal

Updated: Oct 10, 2019

With the Mueller investigation continuing into its third year, one might believe that the Republicans have to be worried about whether or not our president will succumb to the pressures of a populace who, if you trust our mainstream media, hope for his impeachment. Yet it is the length of the investigation so far that is the exact reason for hope among his supporters.

The longer this investigation winds on down the road, the more we can be assured that there is no evidence of collusion. In fact, if this continues to go on into the next presidential election cycle, it will certainly bear no weight for the progressives. It will further desensitize the population to a meme that has for the greater part of the last two years dominated the Fake News Industrial Complex headlines.

What is not so apparent to those who faithfully hang on every word of the mainstream media is that the Democrat Party, since 2010, has experienced a complete dearth of support when it comes to both social and economic platforms.

In the 2010 midterm elections, the Democrats gave up the majority in the House of Representatives as a direct result of both the horrible policies of the Obama administration and the passing of the Obamacare bill in the House without a single Republican vote. Nancy Pelosi handed the gavel over to the spineless John Boehner, who was more interested in his wealth and power (as well as pleasing his lord Obama) than in the wishes of his constituents. Then, in the 2014 midterms, they choked and gave up the majority in the Senate. In addition to these losses, they also coughed up over twelve hundred state seats, as well as having a super-minority in the governorships.

In the interim, we have had Antifa riots by mostly white men and women, the attempted assassination of several Republican members of Congress at a charity softball game, and the repeated veiled threats against the president, his family and his staff members and their families.

In 2016, the Democrats lost the presidency and are now teetering on the edge of losing a majority of the opinions in the Supreme Court through an elevation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

In the interim, we have had Antifa riots by mostly white men and women, the attempted assassination of several Republican members of Congress at a charity softball game, and the repeated veiled threats against the president, his family and his staff members and their families.

Congressmen and women on the left have repeatedly called for the confronting of these administration officials and their families and, recently, the most disturbing of all, against even members of the Senate Judiciary Committee because of their handling of the Kavanaugh hearings. Even the judge himself and his family have received these direct threats.

When the last-ditch effort to derail the nomination process of Judge Kavanaugh had failed to produce any real progress toward forcing his withdrawal from consideration, someone on the staff of the House of Representatives decided to up the ante by publishing the personal information (addresses, telephone numbers and other stats) of three of the ranking members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Mike Lee (R-UT) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have all been put directly in harm's way through the frivolous and hateful actions of a man or woman (or group thereof) linked to the House of Representatives.

If anyone believes for a moment that the publishing of personal information on the internet is not a call for some sort of violence to be perpetrated against those individuals, they are not living in the real world today, especially in light of what has been going on since the defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016.

What all of these Democrat Party defeats have in common are: a) the majority of the American people do not support the destructive progressive platform, and b) they are the breeding ground for a cornered Democrat Party constituency that is becoming more dangerous every day.

The inciting of their base is behind much of this violence. When someone like US Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) makes the statement that people need to pursue Republicans and push them out of every public venue, remarking that they are not welcome anywhere, at any time, the message to her supporters and those of every Democrat lawmaker, is clear: "Do whatever is necessary to take out these evil people."

The fact that children in our schools are being taught the very basic fundamentals of activism and socialism every single moment that they are present in the classroom is in and of itself a testament as to why so many of our young people leave high school and universities as malcontents who harbor ill feelings of hatred, misery, and hopelessness. Those children then become the hardliners who make up the base of the Democrat Party.

Likewise, don't expect the mainstream media, nor Hollywood liberals and Silicon Valley techies, to come out in opposition of this violence.

We must continue to strive for victory in the polls, but must also take measured account of the fact that for every win, there will be a discontented and tormented Democrat constituent with a passionate hatred for those on the right as a direct result. Most will never revert to violence, but many will, as has been evidenced by the last two years in our country.

Do not expect the Clintons, Obamas, Schumers and the Pelosis of the political world to call for a calm in this violence. You'll be sorely disappointed. Likewise, don't expect the mainstream media, nor Hollywood liberals and Silicon Valley techies, to come out in opposition of this violence. They are not affected by this violence, nor would they even care a wit if any of these people they've been targeting are hurt or even killed.

The ultimate objective here is power. That requires a dispassionate view of the world and, especially, of the people who make up the "enemy." The underpinnings of the very system of checks and balances are what is causing this extreme threat to their existence and that is what is being challenged. If the Democrats wish to seize power, they are certainly not going to do so based on civil discourse, fair treatment of the opposition, and lucid presentation of ideology.

The Democrats will seize power through the only means they can at this point: violence.

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